Final Fantasy
Message #1 le 2013-4-8 @ 1:53:10 par Drilgen:
Message #2 le 2013-4-8 @ 8:00:22 par Yorax:
tu parle de l'original ou du relaunch?
j'ai pas joue au jeu depuis son launch mais j'en suis encore horrifie
c'etait en 2010 alors ma memoire est floue mais voici ce don je me rappel:
pros: nice graphics
-interface de console (i mean it)
-lag de 1.5+sec pour tout, incluant la navigation des menus
-tu recois seulement 8quest par jour, dans les citees
je crois qu'ils prevoient fixer les cons ci haut avec le relaunch (j'espere que le lag est deja fix -.-)
puis il y a les "features" que je n'ai pas aime:
-bouger en combat est pointless
-le combat est trop lent (1action au 2+sec)
-minigame a chaque fois que t'essait de gather ou craft
-tu vois pas le level des mob, seulement un indicateur de couleur pour indiquer la difficulte pour ton niveau ce qui ne serait pas si pire si y ne me montraient pas le meme indicateur de trivial (blanc) autant pour une coccinelle que je 2-3shot que pour une vache qui m'est pratiquement impossible a tuer (je devais me healer 3-4fois entre chacune de mes attaques) ce qui me laisse deviner le point suivant.
-gros jeu de teamwork, tu va avoir besoin d'un groupe pour tuer quoi que ce soit de plus gros qu'un dodos ou pour faire plus de 8quest par jours (j'ai cru comprendre que tu peu share tes quest pour que ton party au complet recoive 100% de l'xp de la quest)
-tu as un cooldown sur la repartition de tes attributs, ce qui handicap severement leur systeme de changement de classe on the fly
-ya des mob high level dans les zones low level, ce qui serait cool si tu pouvait pas les agroer et te faire one-shot par une range attack avant de le savoir lorsque tu suis la route (leur agro range est ridicule)
-tu doit deviner si le mob est agressif, territorial ou passif
encore une foi j'ai pas joue depuis le launch alors ces critiques datent de pratiquement 3ans (et j'ai a peine depasse le lv 10(20) dans une profession specifique (overall))
tl;dr: jeu d'equipe/causual, stay away from it
j'ai pas joue au jeu depuis son launch mais j'en suis encore horrifie
c'etait en 2010 alors ma memoire est floue mais voici ce don je me rappel:
pros: nice graphics
-interface de console (i mean it)
-lag de 1.5+sec pour tout, incluant la navigation des menus
-tu recois seulement 8quest par jour, dans les citees
je crois qu'ils prevoient fixer les cons ci haut avec le relaunch (j'espere que le lag est deja fix -.-)
puis il y a les "features" que je n'ai pas aime:
-bouger en combat est pointless
-le combat est trop lent (1action au 2+sec)
-minigame a chaque fois que t'essait de gather ou craft
-tu vois pas le level des mob, seulement un indicateur de couleur pour indiquer la difficulte pour ton niveau ce qui ne serait pas si pire si y ne me montraient pas le meme indicateur de trivial (blanc) autant pour une coccinelle que je 2-3shot que pour une vache qui m'est pratiquement impossible a tuer (je devais me healer 3-4fois entre chacune de mes attaques) ce qui me laisse deviner le point suivant.
-gros jeu de teamwork, tu va avoir besoin d'un groupe pour tuer quoi que ce soit de plus gros qu'un dodos ou pour faire plus de 8quest par jours (j'ai cru comprendre que tu peu share tes quest pour que ton party au complet recoive 100% de l'xp de la quest)
-tu as un cooldown sur la repartition de tes attributs, ce qui handicap severement leur systeme de changement de classe on the fly
-ya des mob high level dans les zones low level, ce qui serait cool si tu pouvait pas les agroer et te faire one-shot par une range attack avant de le savoir lorsque tu suis la route (leur agro range est ridicule)
-tu doit deviner si le mob est agressif, territorial ou passif
encore une foi j'ai pas joue depuis le launch alors ces critiques datent de pratiquement 3ans (et j'ai a peine depasse le lv 10(20) dans une profession specifique (overall))
tl;dr: jeu d'equipe/causual, stay away from it
Message #3 le 2013-4-8 @ 8:04:49 par Kalan:
De mes souvenirs, c'était assez mauvais.
Message #4 le 2013-4-8 @ 8:06:29 par Saskuat:
ff7 cest pas mal mon jeux préféré a vie, fak jai toujours pas mal suivi ca..les critiques du mmo à l'époque étaient mauvaises donc je l'avais pas essayé, mais si quelque chose pourrait me faire bouger de swtor cest ben un bon mmo ff based:)
Message #5 le 2013-4-8 @ 9:27:25 par Rendolphe:
Saskuat wrote: ff7 cest pas mal mon jeux préféré a vie, fak jai toujours pas mal suivi ca..les critiques du mmo à l'époque étaient mauvaises donc je l'avais pas essayé, mais si quelque chose pourrait me faire bouger de swtor cest ben un bon mmo ff based:)
Si tu pense avoir une invitation pour le WZ sachant que tu attends juste un Final MMO :P
Non sans joke j'avais jouer au FF XI (MMO) à partir de mon XBOX 360 dans le temps. Mon premier MMO quand j'y repense.
Message #6 le 2013-4-8 @ 11:05:58 par Drilgen:
ouin a voir jétait pas mal un fan de FF sur leur site y disent fuck all
Message #7 le 2013-4-8 @ 11:31:50 par Nothing:
J'ai tellement entendu de mauvais commentaire que j'ai jamais osé l'essayer! À voir avec leurs nouvelle version, ils ont peut-être tout réglé, qui sait!
Message #8 le 2013-4-8 @ 13:21:01 par Piedplat:
J'y ai joué(1-2 semaines), c'est vraiment pve à coté, le pvp avait été remis à plus tard(jamais ré-entendu parlé). Sinon système lvl classe et lvl personnelle c'est vraiment délicat, car tu peux lvl toute les classes mais les mobs donne de l'expérience à ta classe active et ton personne, doncles mobs suis le lvl du perso, doncsi ton lvl est max tu ne peux plus lvl de classe car pu d'exp. Donc faire attention à ça. Limite de quest par jour, mais tu peux choisir la difficulté par contre, donc oui pour plus de "loot" faut être en groupe. Un truc intéressant pour le crafting, les armes et armures sont exclusivement vendu et fait par les joueurs, je trouves ça pas mal, ceux qui ont aimé L2 pour les vendeurs assis partout vont être comblés.
Sinon le jeu est toujours en genre de bêta à la darkfall, tu payes le jeux tu inscris ta carte de crédit pour ton abonnement à zéro par mois mais faut acheter des "slots" de personnage, 5 piastres par slots^^. Sinon tu payes rien d'autre, mais il faut resté abonné avec ta carte sinon tu joues pus. Ils disent en gros, si notre jeu n'est pus un "fail" on va le faire charger.
Sinon c'est ça, système de jeu qui est plus facile jouer avec une manette qu'un clavier. Exclusivement PvE pour ceux qui aime farmer à la tonne pour fabriquer des armes et armure super "OP" avec des noms populaire du jeu comme la Ultima Sword.
Bonne idée, mais manque beaucoup de travail, par contre j'y ai pas joué depuis, pas vue les nouvelles patchs donc peut-être ça c'est amélioré.
Sinon le jeu est toujours en genre de bêta à la darkfall, tu payes le jeux tu inscris ta carte de crédit pour ton abonnement à zéro par mois mais faut acheter des "slots" de personnage, 5 piastres par slots^^. Sinon tu payes rien d'autre, mais il faut resté abonné avec ta carte sinon tu joues pus. Ils disent en gros, si notre jeu n'est pus un "fail" on va le faire charger.
Sinon c'est ça, système de jeu qui est plus facile jouer avec une manette qu'un clavier. Exclusivement PvE pour ceux qui aime farmer à la tonne pour fabriquer des armes et armure super "OP" avec des noms populaire du jeu comme la Ultima Sword.
Bonne idée, mais manque beaucoup de travail, par contre j'y ai pas joué depuis, pas vue les nouvelles patchs donc peut-être ça c'est amélioré.
Message #9 le 2013-4-8 @ 16:38:19 par Hertuu:
Un des pires jeux que j'ai essayé quand il a sortit....les devs se sont pas fait toute mis dejors? Pi une new team travaille sur Reborn?
entk dans le temps jai cancellé mon pre-order pi jamais voulu réessayé.
entk dans le temps jai cancellé mon pre-order pi jamais voulu réessayé.
Message #10 le 2013-4-16 @ 0:11:23 par Drilgen:
People should really read his developer letters, watch the live letters and get some information on the game.
The argument that "This game has quests.... WoW has quests.... therefore this game is a WoW clone," is not really true.
The game is designed early on to be this way to get most people, like FF fans who've never played an MMO a tutorial on the game. As you level up it becomes increasingly different.
Here are the things you can look forward to, if you took the time to research it.....instead of basing an opinion on the beginning levels of a beta, which offers you only 10% of the game. BTW BETA is for testing, it's not a free trial.
-Grand Company Content from three nations that ties into one part of the main story
-Class Quests, Job Quests
-16-18 dungeons (at launch)
-Normal and Hardmode Raids (Crystal Tower, Labyrinth of Bahamut)
-FATEs (this deserves an even bigger catagory because we've been told there are going to be A LOT OF different VARIATIONS on end game FATES).
-Hunting Log, Crafting Log, Gathering Log
-9 Classes on one character, No need ever to grind the SAME QUESTS (you do the quest, it's done forever)
-Chocobo, Gobbue, and other mounts from my memories of other FF games (Courl and Magitek confirmed)
-Content with Pets (Choco specialization for soloing or duoing dungeons with your Choco)
-Crafting that is more fun and in depth than other games (opinion)
-Golden Saucer (confirmed for future patch)
-Chocobo raising (maybe even choco racing like FFVII)
-Customizable Housing (Build your own furniture as carpenter and decorate house with potential spoils of war, Ifrit Mounted Head)
-Free Companies
-Linkshells (chan channels which foster community instead of general chat like in other games)
-Content Finder
-Gamepad support
-PS3 Support (future PS4 support, hinted by Yoshi-P)
-International Servers (if you choose) with online, instant translator
-Voice acting, fully realized cutscenes and storyline.
-Free Company created airships (confirmed for future patch)
-Limit Break and Fine Play battle content
-PvP Arena battles and two battleground (confirmed for launch)
-Open world Primals
-Relic items and quests
-Guaranteed seasonal content
-Beautiful Art Style and Scenery (Can't wait to see 80% of the game we have yet to see)
-Future FF style jobs from other FF games (Samurai, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Thief)
-Variety between class play and job specializations with customization of classes with 10 abilities from other classes
-Depth of Character in being able to switch to any class for a given situation and role (I don't need to create 12039120 Alts just to play every single class)
Everything I mentioned above is public information.... some people would just rather play for 15 levels and pretend they know everything about the game.
I would also like to point out that the Frontlines (PvP Battlegrounds) are less similar to a Battlegroud/Warzone you'd see in say WoW/RIFT/SWTOR; they are more along the lines of DAoC PvP areas (forget what they are called) :)
The argument that "This game has quests.... WoW has quests.... therefore this game is a WoW clone," is not really true.
The game is designed early on to be this way to get most people, like FF fans who've never played an MMO a tutorial on the game. As you level up it becomes increasingly different.
Here are the things you can look forward to, if you took the time to research it.....instead of basing an opinion on the beginning levels of a beta, which offers you only 10% of the game. BTW BETA is for testing, it's not a free trial.
-Grand Company Content from three nations that ties into one part of the main story
-Class Quests, Job Quests
-16-18 dungeons (at launch)
-Normal and Hardmode Raids (Crystal Tower, Labyrinth of Bahamut)
-FATEs (this deserves an even bigger catagory because we've been told there are going to be A LOT OF different VARIATIONS on end game FATES).
-Hunting Log, Crafting Log, Gathering Log
-9 Classes on one character, No need ever to grind the SAME QUESTS (you do the quest, it's done forever)
-Chocobo, Gobbue, and other mounts from my memories of other FF games (Courl and Magitek confirmed)
-Content with Pets (Choco specialization for soloing or duoing dungeons with your Choco)
-Crafting that is more fun and in depth than other games (opinion)
-Golden Saucer (confirmed for future patch)
-Chocobo raising (maybe even choco racing like FFVII)
-Customizable Housing (Build your own furniture as carpenter and decorate house with potential spoils of war, Ifrit Mounted Head)
-Free Companies
-Linkshells (chan channels which foster community instead of general chat like in other games)
-Content Finder
-Gamepad support
-PS3 Support (future PS4 support, hinted by Yoshi-P)
-International Servers (if you choose) with online, instant translator
-Voice acting, fully realized cutscenes and storyline.
-Free Company created airships (confirmed for future patch)
-Limit Break and Fine Play battle content
-PvP Arena battles and two battleground (confirmed for launch)
-Open world Primals
-Relic items and quests
-Guaranteed seasonal content
-Beautiful Art Style and Scenery (Can't wait to see 80% of the game we have yet to see)
-Future FF style jobs from other FF games (Samurai, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Thief)
-Variety between class play and job specializations with customization of classes with 10 abilities from other classes
-Depth of Character in being able to switch to any class for a given situation and role (I don't need to create 12039120 Alts just to play every single class)
Everything I mentioned above is public information.... some people would just rather play for 15 levels and pretend they know everything about the game.
I would also like to point out that the Frontlines (PvP Battlegrounds) are less similar to a Battlegroud/Warzone you'd see in say WoW/RIFT/SWTOR; they are more along the lines of DAoC PvP areas (forget what they are called) :)
Message #11 le 2013-4-16 @ 4:16:41 par Althazar:
J'ai jouer 10 jours et ca été assez dans le temps pour détruire mes belles mémoires de jeu solo. FAIL DANS LE TEMPS pense pas y rejouer plus tard , j'ai encore le gout amer de ce jeu dans la bouche.
Message #12 le 2013-4-16 @ 9:25:19 par Nothing:
Drilgen wrote: People should really read his developer letters, watch the live letters and get some information on the game.
The argument that "This game has quests.... WoW has quests.... therefore this game is a WoW clone," is not really true.
The game is designed early on to be this way to get most people, like FF fans who've never played an MMO a tutorial on the game. As you level up it becomes increasingly different.
Here are the things you can look forward to, if you took the time to research it.....instead of basing an opinion on the beginning levels of a beta, which offers you only 10% of the game. BTW BETA is for testing, it's not a free trial.
-Grand Company Content from three nations that ties into one part of the main story
-Class Quests, Job Quests
-16-18 dungeons (at launch)
-Normal and Hardmode Raids (Crystal Tower, Labyrinth of Bahamut)
-FATEs (this deserves an even bigger catagory because we've been told there are going to be A LOT OF different VARIATIONS on end game FATES).
-Hunting Log, Crafting Log, Gathering Log
-9 Classes on one character, No need ever to grind the SAME QUESTS (you do the quest, it's done forever)
-Chocobo, Gobbue, and other mounts from my memories of other FF games (Courl and Magitek confirmed)
-Content with Pets (Choco specialization for soloing or duoing dungeons with your Choco)
-Crafting that is more fun and in depth than other games (opinion)
-Golden Saucer (confirmed for future patch)
-Chocobo raising (maybe even choco racing like FFVII)
-Customizable Housing (Build your own furniture as carpenter and decorate house with potential spoils of war, Ifrit Mounted Head)
-Free Companies
-Linkshells (chan channels which foster community instead of general chat like in other games)
-Content Finder
-Gamepad support
-PS3 Support (future PS4 support, hinted by Yoshi-P)
-International Servers (if you choose) with online, instant translator
-Voice acting, fully realized cutscenes and storyline.
-Free Company created airships (confirmed for future patch)
-Limit Break and Fine Play battle content
-PvP Arena battles and two battleground (confirmed for launch)
-Open world Primals
-Relic items and quests
-Guaranteed seasonal content
-Beautiful Art Style and Scenery (Can't wait to see 80% of the game we have yet to see)
-Future FF style jobs from other FF games (Samurai, Blue Mage, Red Mage, Thief)
-Variety between class play and job specializations with customization of classes with 10 abilities from other classes
-Depth of Character in being able to switch to any class for a given situation and role (I don't need to create 12039120 Alts just to play every single class)
Everything I mentioned above is public information.... some people would just rather play for 15 levels and pretend they know everything about the game.
I would also like to point out that the Frontlines (PvP Battlegrounds) are less similar to a Battlegroud/Warzone you'd see in say WoW/RIFT/SWTOR; they are more along the lines of DAoC PvP areas (forget what they are called) :)
À lire ceci, y'a pas grand monde qui a vraiment jouer pour vrai si faut passer le level 15 pour voir le jeu différemment. Tout plein de nice feature qui ont l'air assez intéressante en plus d'être du FF, sa donne presque le goût d'essayer!
Message #13 le 2013-4-16 @ 12:24:46 par Piedplat:
C'est du nouveau contenue, du temps que j'y jouais, par exemple les chocobos étaient désactivé et plusieurs chose d'ailleurs comme le pvp.
Content que ça évolué, je vais surement faire un tour.
Content que ça évolué, je vais surement faire un tour.
Message #14 le 2013-6-16 @ 21:13:18 par Drilgen:
devrait sortir le 27 aout . Du monde von y joué ? moi sa devrait etre mon prochain bébé
Message #15 le 2013-6-17 @ 5:54:42 par Eloctinar:
> imbattable a ce jour.
> imbattable a ce jour.
Message #16 le 2013-6-21 @ 22:17:04 par Drilgen:
manque 2-3 personne pour faire un groupe besoin dun tank pis du dps :P
Message #17 le 2013-6-21 @ 22:24:19 par Hertuu:
Vous jouez vers les quel hrs?
Message #18 le 2013-6-21 @ 22:28:15 par Drilgen:
sa sort le 27 aout sa va etre le soir la 18h minuit genre
Message #19 le 2013-6-22 @ 18:48:21 par Wakky:
jrisque de try :) mais $29.99 hummm ou est l'arnarque
Message #20 le 2013-6-23 @ 12:31:07 par Drilgen:
29.99 larnaque cest que cest un relaunch pis yon des chose a se faire pardonner :P
Message #21 le 2013-6-24 @ 7:19:01 par kyrinos:
ba ma surement y jouer
Message #22 le 2013-6-24 @ 9:25:24 par magix:
Bon ma leur donner une chance la vue que jai un grand Respect pour Square Enix
!!! Le video est sa coche , la musique me fait revnir en arriere de 10 ans , on feel le FFstyle lol!!!
!!! Le video est sa coche , la musique me fait revnir en arriere de 10 ans , on feel le FFstyle lol!!!
Message #23 le 2013-6-24 @ 10:33:03 par kyrinos:
waaa le black wizard sont limit break est CRAZY !!!
Message #24 le 2013-6-24 @ 11:24:00 par magix:
[video=youtube][/video]LE TRAILER ASSEZ MALLADE HAHAHAHA A VOIR !!!!!!!
GAMPLAY AUSSI + PVE SESSION + Gathering and Crafting
GAMPLAY AUSSI + PVE SESSION + Gathering and Crafting
Message #25 le 2013-6-24 @ 14:39:42 par Raskelot:
Est-ce que les personnes qui vont jouer sur PS3 vont pouvoir jouer avec ceux qui l'on sur PC?
Message #26 le 2013-6-24 @ 15:59:11 par magix:
aucune idee , mais jai de fort doute !!!!
Message #27 le 2013-6-24 @ 18:07:08 par Piedplat:
magix wrote: aucune idee , mais jai de fort doute !!!!Je sais pas trop Magix, sur la version que j'ai joué elle était sur PC et l'interface favorisais la manette plus que le clavier, par contre je ne sais pas si ça été changé.
Message #28 le 2013-6-24 @ 19:08:52 par Wakky:
anyway sur pc tu plogue ta manette (avec fil) de ps3 ou xbox360 et voila ce qui regle le prob de manette ou clavier (o pire sur la xbox360 est pas pris en charge tu dl un gestionnaire de controler)
sinon sur pc ta acces a des info right la sur console les team speak ou autre est limité comparé au pc
et si on pense a bf3 console cetais quoi deja 30 personne max online et pc 64
et console sont limité (jusqua la ps4 ou la xbox one ) coté graphique car les console on juste direct x 9 et souvent la qualité est reduite sur console
une example de la differrence graphique [video=youtube][/video]
sinon sur pc ta acces a des info right la sur console les team speak ou autre est limité comparé au pc
et si on pense a bf3 console cetais quoi deja 30 personne max online et pc 64
et console sont limité (jusqua la ps4 ou la xbox one ) coté graphique car les console on juste direct x 9 et souvent la qualité est reduite sur console
une example de la differrence graphique [video=youtube][/video]
Message #29 le 2013-6-24 @ 23:40:01 par Drilgen:
je jou a beta avec clavier souris sa va super ben
Message #30 le 2013-6-25 @ 19:08:10 par Biz:
Final fantasy sa ce joue sur console en solo !
Message #31 le 2013-6-26 @ 23:53:48 par Drilgen:
comme shroud of avatar devrait sortir uniquement sur consol jouant solo :P
Message #32 le 2013-6-27 @ 0:38:26 par Goski:
j'a vue mon chum e gar jouer a beta pendant 15 mins avant de commencer a boir pis e blackout, mais sa avait l'air le fun en sale
Message #33 le 2013-7-1 @ 23:12:24 par Drilgen:
blackout ... sa existe encor se fort la ... messemble yavait enlever sa des saq
Message #34 le 2013-7-2 @ 9:31:43 par TortureX:
Jpense qui voulait dire que ya passer out :D
Message #35 le 2013-7-2 @ 10:16:04 par Xarek:
Un GCD de 2.5 secondes ... C'est tu pour que les gars de PS3 puissent keep up lol ?
Message #36 le 2013-7-2 @ 10:42:43 par Drilgen:
chaque spell que tu fait start un combo et ta genre 2choix au debut mais ver la fin ta 4-5choix différent qui eux start a leur tour un nautre combo qui son hyper bon pour certaine condition donc y font sa pour te laissé le temp de choisir ton shit . Spas du mass click a 52piton la faut tu pense un peut :dodgy: . Si tu stun pas quand y cast un spell ben ya des chance que le healer aime pas sa voir toute son party a 10% vie lol
a ya perdu la carte ..... Mais du blackout ou stest blackhouse stest bon en TABARNAQUE
a ya perdu la carte ..... Mais du blackout ou stest blackhouse stest bon en TABARNAQUE
Message #37 le 2013-7-2 @ 19:43:41 par Drilgen:
PvP patch vendredi ou vendredi prochain ben hate de voir sa
Message #38 le 2013-7-2 @ 20:37:21 par Xarek:
Message #39 le 2013-7-4 @ 1:51:22 par Wakky:
Message #40 le 2013-7-4 @ 13:44:52 par Althazar:
hump :)
Message #41 le 2013-7-4 @ 15:22:37 par Halterhozanca:
Xarek wrote:
Un gars qui cote WoW 8.5 - 9 / 10 tu vois ben qu'il a aucune crédibilité ... y me dirait que le ciel est bleu que faudrais que je sorte pour être sur de ses dire.
Message #42 le 2013-7-4 @ 15:42:57 par Xarek:
Je linkais juste le post de recrutement au cas ou les gars voudraient jouer avec du monde, pas la critique du gars en dessous qui est purement subjective.
BTW le pvp arrive dans la phase 4 de la beta et les skills seront différents :
PvP Actions
BTW le pvp arrive dans la phase 4 de la beta et les skills seront différents :
PvP Actions
Quote: When discussing the design of actions and weaponskills, we originally planned for actions geared toward PvP to automatically be learned by leveling, just as is the case with PvE actions. However, realized this would create problems. For those who only play PvE, they would have no use for skills catered to PvP. In contrast, those who do play PvP would inevitably have too many to sort through. What we've decided to do is create two separate sets of skills for that players will have the freedom to interchange depending on whether they´re playing PvE or PvP. These PvP actions will be obtained through participation in PvP.
Message #43 le 2013-7-4 @ 16:12:34 par Saskuat:
Je risque d'essayer, 8.5 - 9 pour wow jsuis ben daccord -MOI, j'ai joué a wow..jdis ca dmeme ;). Jai vraiment trippé a ff7, jdois avoir joué au delà de 200 heures à l'époque, par contre les ff après jai un peu moins aimé...mais bon tout ca pour dire que je vais probablement me l'acheter, peux pas etre pire que ben d'autres jeux que j'ai déjà acheté.
Message #44 le 2013-7-4 @ 16:14:36 par Drilgen:
ben hate de voir sa le pvp . a date jai pas un mot a dire sur le jeux de négatif
by the way wow est coté partout 8.5 et 9 . Si tes pas daccord part ton magasine i rage on every game . ma etre ton premier client :heart:
by the way wow est coté partout 8.5 et 9 . Si tes pas daccord part ton magasine i rage on every game . ma etre ton premier client :heart:
Message #45 le 2013-7-6 @ 20:53:26 par Drilgen:
Jaime ben la learning curve du jeux a date
Message #46 le 2013-7-9 @ 0:30:53 par Drilgen:
tin rek savoir si cest easy au lvl 50
Warrior - let's start with tanking. Warrior honestly is fairly basic and doesn't get much more complicated than when they started. The main reason for this is because of the new engine, they're able to implement dungeon encounters that are much more complex than before. Since the tank is almost always the one in charge of handling mechanics (dodging/stunning boss' special moves, moving the boss out of bad areas etc), the added complexity of the role comes not from the class but from the boss encounters themselves. Stunning is an almost essential part of tanking, and for that you have to watch out not only for the red aoe circles but also for long cast abilities. You also gain access to the whole defiance/wrath stacking mechanic, which is fairly simple but if you're tanking a boss, timing when to use Inner Beast and utilizing the heal effect is a nice added element.
Paladin - somewhat similar to Warrior in the sense that you're still in charge of boss mechanics and dodging/positioning but with an additional resource to worry about: mp. Unlike Warriors who can tank multiple mobs and hold aggro just by spamming Overpower, Paladins rely on Flash which is very mana-intensive. Normally this isn't an issue since normal combos have innate threat-generating quality but when it's time to tank multiple mob, you better have some spare mp. Thankfully Paladins get access to another combo that while it doesn't generate any additional threat from damage, it restores mp. And this is where Paladins have an extra mechanic to get used to, knowing when to expend and actively replenish their mp. Add to that a wide array of defensive cooldowns they get access to and it becomes more reactive and tactical that what it starts off as.
Dragoon - now I'm gonna be honest, the physical dps classes are probably the most basic ones compared to the others, but hey, that's always been the case in every MMO. I played a Hunter in WoW and it was never any more complicated than following a simple priority queue of your most powerful abilities (rotation is a common but inapt term for this priority queue of abilities). With Dragoon it's mostly a small matter of position yourself correctly to maximize the damage potential of your weaponskills. You get access to 2 main combos, the second of which is started from behind the target and used only to put up the DoT effect from Chaos Thrust, otherwise you stick to your main, more damaging combo. You do get DoT/Slow weaponskills to use when appropriate but otherwise it's just a matter of cycling through your combos and using your Jump cooldowns to maximize efficiency. Sure it's simple and if you really wanna play badly you can stick to just pressing 1,2,3. But if you're even half a decent player you'll be utilizing at least 10 keybinds not including your stun and personal buffs.
Monk - somewhat similar to Dragoon with the exception that your top priority is keeping up your Greased Lightning buff, which provide an excellent increase in damage and, unique to Monk, a fairly significant increase in Skill Speed. This means at level 50, with proper gear and full Greased Lightning buff, your global cooldown would be closer to a flat 2 seconds instead of 2.5 seconds. This may not seem much but it is very noticeable in combat. You have less time to decide what your next action will be, and since Greased Lightning wears off in just 12 seconds if not refreshed, it's top priority to be able to execute a skill that refreshes it before it runs out. That's in addition to other abilities you may want to perform outside of your normal combos, which is again, like Dragoon you get 2 main combos, which are even more demanding in terms of positioning for maximized damage.
Bard - mainly straight-forward in most cases with the exception of utilizing songs which I have to admit I haven't had the opportunity to test out in a party setting because of the lack of level 50 party content. The dps part of Bard seems very simple and doesn't change much from what it is at low levels. You don't have any combos, you do get access to 2 strong DoTs that are essential to keep up on bosses. You get Straight Shot that grants a 10% damage increase self-buff but your main weaponskill (Heavy Shot) also has a chance to proc a buff that makes the next Straight Shot a guaranteed critical hit. You want to take advantage of the proc not only to score a critical hit but to refresh the Straight Shot buff on yourself. So it boils down to a proc-based gameplay which is more reactive than a straight combo-based playstyle utilized by the other physical dps classes. The simplicity of this part will be (I'm guessing) augmented by the role that songs will play later on in end-game situations.
White Mage - people who say healing in this game is so easy and simple that Conjurers should be nuking mobs half the time to help dps simply haven't tried healing in later levels. This is the most hectic and stressful role in the game, period, even more so than tanking. Sure at lower levels you can spam heals as much as you want and then nuke when the tank is in the green. But at higher levels there's an issue: mp management. Simply put, despite getting access to different tiers of healing spells, this role is not like other MMOs where it's just a given to use the highest ranked spell you have access to. You try spamming Cure II to your heart's content? You'll be oom halfway through a boss fight. Instead SE decided to inject an element of luck to healing. Much as Bard employs a proc-based dps style, White Mage is also dependent on procs to save mp on long fights. Each lower tier of Cure spell has a chance to proc a buff that lets you cast the next Cure spell in the ladder with no mp cost. This is in addition to keeping everyone buffed up and dispelling ailments on party members. The most traditionally reactive-style of playing in MMOs just got even more reaction-based.
Black Mage - again, like Bard this is a proc-based style. In a sense this is most interesting class to play simply because there are a few different ways which it can be played. For people who don't bother looking into their abilities this would seem very simple: simply spam Fire or Fire III until your run out of mp, then switch to Blizzard/Blizzard III. For the min-maxers that have been testing the dynamics of Black Mage it's not quite so simple. You get access to tiers of Thunder spells in addition to the usual Fire/Blizzard exchange and in most cases, stacking all 3 Thunder spells provide excellent damage in addition to providing a high chance to proc (5% per tick per spell) a buff that lets you cast your next Thunder tier spell instantly and with no mp cost, plus having the normal DoT damage added to the initial damage. While your watching for that proc you can also spam your basic Fire spell for a 30% chance proc of making your next Fire III spell instant cast and cost no mp. All of this makes for a very hectic gameplay when trying to maximize your damage in addition to your usual CC duties in a party.
So there you have it. The combat does get more interesting at later levels. This matter of opinion will differ from person to person and I'm not even gonna try to persuade someone who thinks the combat sucks even at 50 into thinking differently. But if you're one of those unbiased testers truly wondering if it gets more interesting later on, then I say it definitely does. Unlike other MMOs that have very straight-forward learning curves, where what you need to do to play your class well is fairly obvious even at high levels, the system currently in place may seem simple, but obscure elements and mechanics start presenting themselves are you gain more level and acquire more traits.
Warrior - let's start with tanking. Warrior honestly is fairly basic and doesn't get much more complicated than when they started. The main reason for this is because of the new engine, they're able to implement dungeon encounters that are much more complex than before. Since the tank is almost always the one in charge of handling mechanics (dodging/stunning boss' special moves, moving the boss out of bad areas etc), the added complexity of the role comes not from the class but from the boss encounters themselves. Stunning is an almost essential part of tanking, and for that you have to watch out not only for the red aoe circles but also for long cast abilities. You also gain access to the whole defiance/wrath stacking mechanic, which is fairly simple but if you're tanking a boss, timing when to use Inner Beast and utilizing the heal effect is a nice added element.
Paladin - somewhat similar to Warrior in the sense that you're still in charge of boss mechanics and dodging/positioning but with an additional resource to worry about: mp. Unlike Warriors who can tank multiple mobs and hold aggro just by spamming Overpower, Paladins rely on Flash which is very mana-intensive. Normally this isn't an issue since normal combos have innate threat-generating quality but when it's time to tank multiple mob, you better have some spare mp. Thankfully Paladins get access to another combo that while it doesn't generate any additional threat from damage, it restores mp. And this is where Paladins have an extra mechanic to get used to, knowing when to expend and actively replenish their mp. Add to that a wide array of defensive cooldowns they get access to and it becomes more reactive and tactical that what it starts off as.
Dragoon - now I'm gonna be honest, the physical dps classes are probably the most basic ones compared to the others, but hey, that's always been the case in every MMO. I played a Hunter in WoW and it was never any more complicated than following a simple priority queue of your most powerful abilities (rotation is a common but inapt term for this priority queue of abilities). With Dragoon it's mostly a small matter of position yourself correctly to maximize the damage potential of your weaponskills. You get access to 2 main combos, the second of which is started from behind the target and used only to put up the DoT effect from Chaos Thrust, otherwise you stick to your main, more damaging combo. You do get DoT/Slow weaponskills to use when appropriate but otherwise it's just a matter of cycling through your combos and using your Jump cooldowns to maximize efficiency. Sure it's simple and if you really wanna play badly you can stick to just pressing 1,2,3. But if you're even half a decent player you'll be utilizing at least 10 keybinds not including your stun and personal buffs.
Monk - somewhat similar to Dragoon with the exception that your top priority is keeping up your Greased Lightning buff, which provide an excellent increase in damage and, unique to Monk, a fairly significant increase in Skill Speed. This means at level 50, with proper gear and full Greased Lightning buff, your global cooldown would be closer to a flat 2 seconds instead of 2.5 seconds. This may not seem much but it is very noticeable in combat. You have less time to decide what your next action will be, and since Greased Lightning wears off in just 12 seconds if not refreshed, it's top priority to be able to execute a skill that refreshes it before it runs out. That's in addition to other abilities you may want to perform outside of your normal combos, which is again, like Dragoon you get 2 main combos, which are even more demanding in terms of positioning for maximized damage.
Bard - mainly straight-forward in most cases with the exception of utilizing songs which I have to admit I haven't had the opportunity to test out in a party setting because of the lack of level 50 party content. The dps part of Bard seems very simple and doesn't change much from what it is at low levels. You don't have any combos, you do get access to 2 strong DoTs that are essential to keep up on bosses. You get Straight Shot that grants a 10% damage increase self-buff but your main weaponskill (Heavy Shot) also has a chance to proc a buff that makes the next Straight Shot a guaranteed critical hit. You want to take advantage of the proc not only to score a critical hit but to refresh the Straight Shot buff on yourself. So it boils down to a proc-based gameplay which is more reactive than a straight combo-based playstyle utilized by the other physical dps classes. The simplicity of this part will be (I'm guessing) augmented by the role that songs will play later on in end-game situations.
White Mage - people who say healing in this game is so easy and simple that Conjurers should be nuking mobs half the time to help dps simply haven't tried healing in later levels. This is the most hectic and stressful role in the game, period, even more so than tanking. Sure at lower levels you can spam heals as much as you want and then nuke when the tank is in the green. But at higher levels there's an issue: mp management. Simply put, despite getting access to different tiers of healing spells, this role is not like other MMOs where it's just a given to use the highest ranked spell you have access to. You try spamming Cure II to your heart's content? You'll be oom halfway through a boss fight. Instead SE decided to inject an element of luck to healing. Much as Bard employs a proc-based dps style, White Mage is also dependent on procs to save mp on long fights. Each lower tier of Cure spell has a chance to proc a buff that lets you cast the next Cure spell in the ladder with no mp cost. This is in addition to keeping everyone buffed up and dispelling ailments on party members. The most traditionally reactive-style of playing in MMOs just got even more reaction-based.
Black Mage - again, like Bard this is a proc-based style. In a sense this is most interesting class to play simply because there are a few different ways which it can be played. For people who don't bother looking into their abilities this would seem very simple: simply spam Fire or Fire III until your run out of mp, then switch to Blizzard/Blizzard III. For the min-maxers that have been testing the dynamics of Black Mage it's not quite so simple. You get access to tiers of Thunder spells in addition to the usual Fire/Blizzard exchange and in most cases, stacking all 3 Thunder spells provide excellent damage in addition to providing a high chance to proc (5% per tick per spell) a buff that lets you cast your next Thunder tier spell instantly and with no mp cost, plus having the normal DoT damage added to the initial damage. While your watching for that proc you can also spam your basic Fire spell for a 30% chance proc of making your next Fire III spell instant cast and cost no mp. All of this makes for a very hectic gameplay when trying to maximize your damage in addition to your usual CC duties in a party.
So there you have it. The combat does get more interesting at later levels. This matter of opinion will differ from person to person and I'm not even gonna try to persuade someone who thinks the combat sucks even at 50 into thinking differently. But if you're one of those unbiased testers truly wondering if it gets more interesting later on, then I say it definitely does. Unlike other MMOs that have very straight-forward learning curves, where what you need to do to play your class well is fairly obvious even at high levels, the system currently in place may seem simple, but obscure elements and mechanics start presenting themselves are you gain more level and acquire more traits.
Message #47 le 2013-7-10 @ 7:45:46 par Althazar:
Ma surment checker ca today ce jeu la vu que jai eu un beta invite
Message #48 le 2013-7-10 @ 17:04:41 par kyrinos:
ca fait ... jai acheter le jeux et je peux meme pas essayer la beta ... :(
Message #49 le 2013-7-10 @ 17:55:16 par Piedplat:
"For A Realm Reborn‘s PvP we plan to implement two elements: the Coliseum for “casual” PvP matches and the Frontline for large-scale PvP battles. Frontline will feature epic battles among the three city-states and would be similar to a Realm vs. Realm which you can look forward to."
" we are designing it so that players that do not wish to take part in PvP are not forced to. The battle framework we are currently working on takes into account future PVP contents. We are planning two approaches to PvP. The first are battles in the Coliseum where you can have a fair duel against an opponent. The second is a PvP area where you can fight for control of various influences with several players."
" We are planning to have it so you can view the camera of the players PvPing, but we´re just barely progressing with this, so we will be looking into this as a feature to be released in the future"
" as far as PvP goes, opposing players will take fall damage during a match."
" First off, let me introduce a few of the rewards players can obtain through PvP. This PvP exclusive equipment has been modeled after animals"
"A geographic anomaly near Limsa Lominsa was shown very briefly in the “A New Beginning” trailer, the inside of which has been converted into an arena. Players will register for PvP battles inside the ship out front. The first PvP arena we plan to introduce will include pillars, stairs and other obstacles that players can exploit when engaging their opponents."
"After registration, players will be matched up automatically against other players based on their PvP ranking. It will be very casual, so hopefully everyone at least tries it out!"
"I'm not planning to allow PK in the Coliseum. Please consider similar to a sports match where the teams hold a sports-like competition. However, with the other one that takes place in the PvP area, players may be attacked by others at any moment as long as they are in that area. So as long as you don't enter that area, you will be safe."
" We´ve actually expanded the battle team just recently. And there are quite a lot of them that have played PVP games with me. We´ve put a lot of work into the system, including the core design"
" What we've decided to do is create two separate sets of skills for that players will have the freedom to interchange depending on whether they´re playing PvE or PvP. These PvP actions will be obtained through participation in PVP"
" I'm not sure how knowledgeable most people are about PvP, especially in the JP community, but the coliseum that we're planning to implement at launch is something like...a gathering place for the world's strongest warriors. When a PvP battle starts, you'll see four players from the opposing team on the other side. Once the signal is given, the battle starts. Now, if I was a black mage, I'd obviously focus on casting magic from a far while trying to keep my distance, since I'd be slaughtered in close combat. I might also hide behind pillars or other obstructions while attacking to prevent others from targeting me.
Of course, I'm sure opposing warriors and paladins would attack me first because of my low defense, so I would probably try to cast sleep or repose to take them out of the fight for a short while. Depending on your role and the situation, you'll want to fight with a different style. And, as I mentioned in the previous live letter, you can use the environment to your advantage. These matches will be balanced around 4 vs. 4. Hopefully everyone can try it out and go from there.
That's the general idea behind PvP. Of course, there will be situations where melee characters try to ensnare casters, or think of ways to prevent the opposing player from running away with sprint. Oh, and you'll be able to restore TP by using potions. I could go on and on about it. Anyway, you´ll receive points when you win a match.
And when you gain a certain amount of points, your PvP rank will go up. As you gain ranks in PVP, you'll receive a different type of points. These particular points can be used to obtain weapon skills, for example. PvP players can create certain builds by using these points. These points can also be used to purchase the PvP gear I introduced last time.
So essentially, your goal would be to gain points through matches to obtain PVP skills, passive abilities, and gear to grow stronger. You can even buy—well, I might get yelled at by the Battle team for saying this but...
For example, you'll be able to purchase this one paladin PVP ability, and its effect changes depending on what grand company you've joined."
" we are designing it so that players that do not wish to take part in PvP are not forced to. The battle framework we are currently working on takes into account future PVP contents. We are planning two approaches to PvP. The first are battles in the Coliseum where you can have a fair duel against an opponent. The second is a PvP area where you can fight for control of various influences with several players."
" We are planning to have it so you can view the camera of the players PvPing, but we´re just barely progressing with this, so we will be looking into this as a feature to be released in the future"
" as far as PvP goes, opposing players will take fall damage during a match."
" First off, let me introduce a few of the rewards players can obtain through PvP. This PvP exclusive equipment has been modeled after animals"
"A geographic anomaly near Limsa Lominsa was shown very briefly in the “A New Beginning” trailer, the inside of which has been converted into an arena. Players will register for PvP battles inside the ship out front. The first PvP arena we plan to introduce will include pillars, stairs and other obstacles that players can exploit when engaging their opponents."
"After registration, players will be matched up automatically against other players based on their PvP ranking. It will be very casual, so hopefully everyone at least tries it out!"
"I'm not planning to allow PK in the Coliseum. Please consider similar to a sports match where the teams hold a sports-like competition. However, with the other one that takes place in the PvP area, players may be attacked by others at any moment as long as they are in that area. So as long as you don't enter that area, you will be safe."
" We´ve actually expanded the battle team just recently. And there are quite a lot of them that have played PVP games with me. We´ve put a lot of work into the system, including the core design"
" What we've decided to do is create two separate sets of skills for that players will have the freedom to interchange depending on whether they´re playing PvE or PvP. These PvP actions will be obtained through participation in PVP"
" I'm not sure how knowledgeable most people are about PvP, especially in the JP community, but the coliseum that we're planning to implement at launch is something like...a gathering place for the world's strongest warriors. When a PvP battle starts, you'll see four players from the opposing team on the other side. Once the signal is given, the battle starts. Now, if I was a black mage, I'd obviously focus on casting magic from a far while trying to keep my distance, since I'd be slaughtered in close combat. I might also hide behind pillars or other obstructions while attacking to prevent others from targeting me.
Of course, I'm sure opposing warriors and paladins would attack me first because of my low defense, so I would probably try to cast sleep or repose to take them out of the fight for a short while. Depending on your role and the situation, you'll want to fight with a different style. And, as I mentioned in the previous live letter, you can use the environment to your advantage. These matches will be balanced around 4 vs. 4. Hopefully everyone can try it out and go from there.
That's the general idea behind PvP. Of course, there will be situations where melee characters try to ensnare casters, or think of ways to prevent the opposing player from running away with sprint. Oh, and you'll be able to restore TP by using potions. I could go on and on about it. Anyway, you´ll receive points when you win a match.
And when you gain a certain amount of points, your PvP rank will go up. As you gain ranks in PVP, you'll receive a different type of points. These particular points can be used to obtain weapon skills, for example. PvP players can create certain builds by using these points. These points can also be used to purchase the PvP gear I introduced last time.
So essentially, your goal would be to gain points through matches to obtain PVP skills, passive abilities, and gear to grow stronger. You can even buy—well, I might get yelled at by the Battle team for saying this but...
For example, you'll be able to purchase this one paladin PVP ability, and its effect changes depending on what grand company you've joined."
Message #50 le 2013-7-12 @ 5:55:22 par Wakky:
beta key recu !!!
Message #51 le 2013-7-13 @ 9:41:42 par kyrinos:
Bon jai enfin pu y jouer et je capote
reste juste a savoir qui fait quoi alors si quelqu un pourrais partir un pool svp pour quon save a quoi sattendre
parce que la apres quelque lvl et comprendre comment le black wizard marche je laime bien squishy mais jaime bien !
et avec le passive lvl 44 qui va me donner un fire 3 gratis et instant jai ben hate ! :P
reste juste a savoir qui fait quoi alors si quelqu un pourrais partir un pool svp pour quon save a quoi sattendre
parce que la apres quelque lvl et comprendre comment le black wizard marche je laime bien squishy mais jaime bien !
et avec le passive lvl 44 qui va me donner un fire 3 gratis et instant jai ben hate ! :P
Message #52 le 2013-7-17 @ 0:44:50 par Engeance:
bon faudrait aussi s'arrenger pour savoir genre kel serveur et comment ont arrenge ca ont rejoin une guild ? on fait une alliance ? parce que la je parle avec le monde et c chacun son coté et c poche ca
Message #53 le 2013-7-17 @ 19:25:57 par kyrinos:
hmm maintenant que le week end est fini jai besoin de ma dose de ff14
quelqu un peux me donner un fix ?
quelqu un peux me donner un fix ?
Message #54 le 2013-7-18 @ 1:44:00 par Eloctinar:
c'est qui ca XarekDev ?
Message #55 le 2013-7-18 @ 4:30:27 par Engeance:
Dieu !!
Message #56 le 2013-7-18 @ 5:14:37 par Hertuu:
Xarek qui s'est pas connecter sur le bon compte. Fail.
Message #57 le 2013-7-18 @ 9:29:24 par Nothing:
Message #58 le 2013-7-25 @ 1:53:26 par Drilgen:
Message #59 le 2013-7-25 @ 12:06:17 par Engeance:
Message #60 le 2013-8-5 @ 23:39:59 par Engeance:
bon tout le monde qui va jouer a final ca serait bien de faire votre popop ils faut faire une réunion le plus to possible pour parler du serveur et de nos link ingame.
Message #61 le 2013-8-6 @ 0:52:23 par Hecth:
ouain ma RÉRÉessayer un 3eme launch si jai du temps lol .. refaire un jeu 3 fois /fail aussi bin en faire un new
Message #62 le 2013-8-10 @ 13:22:36 par Saskuat:
pkoi tu dis que tu vas l'essayer si tu pars déjà avec le minding que cest un fail :s
le nouveau beta yé tu sorti, je trouve pas de liens sur leur site?
le nouveau beta yé tu sorti, je trouve pas de liens sur leur site?
Message #63 le 2013-8-11 @ 13:07:13 par Hecth:
Parce que y'a eu 2 remake fail pour ce jeu déja... quel question :P
Message #64 le 2013-8-11 @ 13:55:03 par Biz:
Come on ! Final sa ce joue sur Console :)
c dla story poignante assie sur ton sofa !
quoi que ler dernier etait assez ordinaire
yon tellement brasser la sauce qua goute pu rien :)
en esperant qui von en resortir un bon un moment donné
c dla story poignante assie sur ton sofa !
quoi que ler dernier etait assez ordinaire
yon tellement brasser la sauce qua goute pu rien :)
en esperant qui von en resortir un bon un moment donné

Message #65 le 2013-8-12 @ 7:09:03 par Saskuat:
Je pense que ta vraiment pas compris ma question mais bon. Moi j'ai bien hate de l'essayer, c'est vrai que les final sont de moins en moins intéressant mais ca reste quand meme mieux que le 3/4 des rpg que jai essayé depuis le temps. Pis ca me permet de jouer avec des amis qui game sur console tant mieux, ben curieux de voir le mélange que ca va donner
Message #66 le 2013-8-24 @ 15:57:46 par Arkan:
Quand on a rien a faire parce qu'on peut pas joindre le serveur....

Et ca c'est mon avatar sur le forum de square


Et ca c'est mon avatar sur le forum de square

Message #67 le 2013-8-24 @ 18:03:04 par magix:
hahaha n'importe koi
Message #68 le 2013-8-26 @ 15:19:36 par ViveQuebec:
Je sais pas si il existe un post a quelque part qui parle des sites web utiles pour FFXIV, mais pour ceux qui en cherche un, celui là a l'air plutôt bien:
Message #69 le 2013-8-28 @ 17:53:51 par Arkan:
Based on the actions in this most recent incident and any prior record on the service account, we have suspended your access to the FINAL FANTASY XIV Forum in accordance with the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement. The suspension will last a minimum of 240 hours starting 08-28-2013 during which time you will be unable to access the FINAL FANTASY XIV Forum.
Je vais me gater en tabarnak dans 240 heures
Je vais me gater en tabarnak dans 240 heures
Message #70 le 2013-8-28 @ 18:17:20 par TortureX:
Ques ta faite?
Message #71 le 2013-8-28 @ 18:25:08 par Arkan:
Quote: Thread Title:
Gilgamesh locked?
Summary of Violation:
Use of inappropriate or aggressive language.
Original Post:
This is so fucking frustrating
Gilgamesh was lock 30min after early access
J'imagine qui voulait juste faire disparaitre le message de 5-6 pages