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ESO - A venir patch 1.6

Message #1 le 2014-12-20 @ 8:26:14 par Rendolphe:

Checker sa les boys des bonnes nouvelles.

AoE Cap modification:

Le healing AoE cap reste à 6 personnes.

Le Damage AoE cap va augmenter.

** Sa signifie qu'on va pouvoir jumper a 6-7 dans 20 gars :).

Ultimate Generation :

Ils vont mettre un flat buff de 3 seconde qui te donne 3ult par second quand tu attaque qq1. Actuellement, les build AoE et Crit générait extremement du ult. 

Donc fini les gars qui pop genre 2-3 banner en moins de 20 sec. Très bon move selon moi. Le Ult sa revient pas mal a un gros spell avec un ''Cooldown''.

Pour le heal, le monde ne pourront plus stacker du ult en healant hors combat. C'est seulement en healant un gars qui a le buff de 3 sec ult generation que tu gagne du Ult.

Buff / Debuff / Soft Cap :

Les Soft cap seront enlever. Exception faite du Spell resist et Armor.

Donc si tu veux te focuser accoter dans un tu va pouvoir te gatter.

Concernant les buff, il y aura un remaniment pour éviter de monter les stats en mongole par exemple:

Immovable + Spiked Armor = 1 major buff armor + 1 minor buff spell resist + effect immovable immune hard CC + effet spiked armor 

Donc stacker les deux pour etre beafer en armor ne machera pas, il va juste considérer 1. Sa va éviter le monde qui surexploite les buff de certaine class assez forte en plus des buff de weapon ou armor.

Un autre bon move selon moi pour les min maxer qui veulent aller deep.

Système de Champion:

Le système de Champion ce veut comme une progression end-game du personnage. ZoS ne semblait pas voir la difference entre VR1 et VR14. C'était une solution temporaire et avec le fait que le soft cap sera enlever, le Champion system va nous permettre d'aller chercher plusieurs passif pour booster notre crit, armor, etc. 

Les personnages vont être de plus en plus personalisé et le min/max sera à l'oeuvre mes amis.

A la 1.6 on aura 30 points de Champion a spender dans le gros Astral Champion system. Le respec cost sera diminuer grandement pour qu'on puisse tester nos build.

Il sera possible d'avoir toutes les passifs du champion system, mais selon ZoS cela prendra beaucoup, mais beaucoup de temps. Alors les joueurs devront faire un choix judicieux sur leur choix de passif. Il y aura un system de diminushing return si tu focus toute tes champion point sur Stam regen par exemple.

Rested Champion XP:

Tu accumule du rested champion XP quand tu log off. Pour laisser une chance à ceux qui travail et qui ont une vie.

Attribut et stats changement:

Les pièce d'armure donneront la stats Armor. La stats Armor va donner proportionnellement du Physical et Spell resist. Donc le light armor sera plus squishy et n'aura plus sont spell resist capped. Tandis que le Heavy armor prendra toute son sens. 

Par exemple un healer en plate sera vraiment difficile a tuer, mais ne pourra pas substain des longue fight healing. Un healer light sera bcp plus squishy, mais pourra plus healer.

Ce système va bien en conjoncture avec les Buff consolidation pour éviter au petit healer en light de stacker trop de buff d'armure ;)

Vivement se nouveau system pour ramener un peu de bon sens au Heavy / Medium / Light ARmor.

Skill modification:

A few specific changes we have made to some classes include a few abilities that we felt weren’t quite working the way we wanted them to. There were a number of abilities that never really hit the mark on balance, some examples are:

  • Inferno (Dragonknight) â€“ this was constantly costing you Magicka and you had to toggle it on and off all the time, but the damage was really low. The good reason to use this was for Ultimate generation, but now that’s standardized. There is a new version of Inferno which is similar to Mage Light in that it gives you a spell critical bonus and it shoots out fire that hits nearby enemies. You’ll only be able to get one major critical buff, so that component would not stack with Mage Light.
  • Blinding Flash (Templar) â€“ this was so powerful with the miss chance that we had to make a lot of bosses immune to it, so it wasn’t very useful in many situations. We scrapped that ability and replaced it with “Radiant Destruction”. Its a channeled attack that you can use at range, and the lower health the enemy has the more damage it does.
  • Haste (Nightblade) â€“ this was a cool concept, but because of light attack weaving this ability was never really useful or powerful. We replaced this ability with “Grim Focus” which is a duration buff which grants the “Minor Damage Done” buff for around 20 seconds. It tracks how many times you have attacked your target. Once you have done 8 attacks, it swaps to a new attack that allows you to summon a spectral bow which shoots the enemy for a high amount of damage. This is really cool because it’s a highly interactive ability.
  • Clannfear and Familiar (Sorcerer) â€“ to improve upon the Sorcerer pets, they now take less damage from area attacks making them much more survivable. Pets can now critically hit, and their Critical Chance is based on your own, so by improving your character’s Crit Chance, you improve your pet’s damage as well. We created a new morph of Daedric Curse called “Daedric Prey”, when you cast it on an enemy your pets deal more damage to that target. This combines really well with Conjured Ward, in DPS testing for trials the Sorcerer pet build has actually been the top build internally. We’re probably going to take it down a little bit, but pets should be much more viable now.

AvA nouveau skill:

There are also new AvA abilities that have been added, two in each line.

  •  Magicka Detonation (Assault) â€“ This goes hand in hand with the AoE changes we have made to try to bust up large groups. It’s a ranged ability with a cast time that delays for 6 seconds after being applied that does really high AoE damage when it explodes. It’s a nice risk-vs-reward ability. Enemies can interrupt you while you are casting it, and enemies have time to run out of the main group before it explodes. Healers can dispel the curse too, BUT there is a morph of the ability that if the curse is dispelled it explodes immediately.
  • Vigor (Assault) â€“ This ability adds a lot of unique things to the game we didn’t have before. This is a Stamina-based ability that will heal all your nearby allies. So if you have all your points in Stamina you can use this a lot and it will crit using your Melee Critical.
  • Revealing Flare (Support) â€“ This is super useful in PvP, you throw it out into an area and it reveals all stealthed enemies in the area. You can throw as many flares as you want, but it’s pretty expensive so you are giving up a lot of Magicka to cast it. Also, as a stealther you have some time while the projectile is in the air to dodge out of the area and not get uncovered when it lands.
  • Guard (Support) â€“ This is a toggle ability, any projectile that would hit a nearby ally will hit you instead. This ability can get you in a lot of trouble, but it also is a great way to help turn the tide of battle by protecting your allies. You can combine it, for example, with Dragonknight reflective scale to send those projectiles back towards enemies. As a side note, Reflective Scale now is limited in the number of projectiles that it can reflect.

Le guard va etre debile serieux. Sa va nous prendre un tank. Un DK tank qui reflect les projectiles des alliés QQ. lol.

Du healing avec les stamina build. Interessant hate de voir.


Des très bon changement

Message #2 le 2014-12-20 @ 8:46:18 par Althazar:


Message #3 le 2014-12-24 @ 20:26:21 par Piedplat:

Vigor à l'air fort en salle. 

J'ai hâte de voir cette patch au plus vite!

Message #4 le 2014-12-30 @ 21:12:18 par Rendolphe:

Les champions point seront shared account.

Donc si tu est rendu avec 60 champion point avec ton main, dès que ton Alt est lvl 50 il va continuer  a faire avancer tes champion point pour toute ton account.

Chaque character on leur propre attribution de champion point.

Sa va etre pas pire serieux, genre mon Templar pour du group Roaming et mon NB alt on solo ou duo roaming.