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Ma lettre ? l'alliance

Message #1 le 2008-12-18 @ 12:00:12 par Xarek:
Suite ? la soir?e d'hier, j'ai post? sur le forum de l'alliance au sujet de ce qu'on peut faire pour ?viter les frustrations qu'on a rencontr? jusqu'? pr?sent :


Hey folks,

I guess you'll all agree that yesterday night was really frustrating for two reasons : server performance and lack of control on the huge destro swarm. Good news, working on the second problem might help solving the first one.

At the beginning, I was really skeptical towards the whole "VDC" initiative. Not because it was Paragon leading it but rather because of the numbers involved in. From our side in AT we strongly believe the game has been designed for multi-front attacks. Sending out all 400 T4 destro on one fort isn't really productive. In fact, people start to crash, heals are delayed and door isn't "really" going down faster enough to worth the counterparts.

I'm pretty sure all the guilds involved in the last push have many great pvpers. But we have something that you can't have without experience even if you're good at play: knowledge. All the experience we cumulated from being active in RvR back in T3 till now.

So here's the plan : having the BSA and the VCD attacking on different fronts at the same time. In our other words, let's coordinate with them but do things our way.

Here's our winning formula for taking a zone :

1. Have one guild leader per guild logging on the alliance vent
2. Know what the VCD is doing and let them know what we'll do
3. Assign warbands/groups to specific BO/Keeps/PQs (again, with one leader per guild it's easier)
4. Queue our best premades for scenarios
5. Repeat and try to take T3 if possible

Hopefully if we can split out destro forces, chances are that order will have to split too (especially if we are attacking two forts at the same time) and the server will be less likely to crash.

So guys, my english apart, what do you thing of all this ?
Message #2 le 2008-12-18 @ 12:25:36 par Xarek:
Ben je viens de la poster, je crois pas avoir de r?ponse avant ce soir.
Message #3 le 2008-12-18 @ 12:30:01 par MengeL:
Si tu peux faire u edit je modifierais la partie de la conaissance ... tu parles comme si on avait la connaissance du orvr et que eux etaient debutant ... tu devrais plutot juste proposer lidee je pense, sinon je suis d'accord.
Message #4 le 2008-12-19 @ 16:15:09 par Azoumut:
Cool - constructif. J'ai h?te de voir leur propositions