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Update aux black orc !

Message #1 le 2008-9-5 @ 16:35:14 par Kariah:
' wrote: Ok folks, just like with the other tanks I'm stopping by for an update...

For those of you crying DPS nerf I'll lay out the same comparision I laid out for the chosen... Black Orcs average monster TTK at 11 is around 14.9s, compared to a marauder at 12.6s. Yes its a monster but math doesn't change much its a good indication of raw DPS potential. This doesn't change too dramatically as the career levels either. For the most part the only time a Tank will EVER pull ahead of a MDPS is with FO and a Taunt Debuff up.. The rest of the time even at their best DPS they will be hanging at least 10 - 20% behind, but they also get 10 - 20% more mitigation and HP in almost every case.

That being said we do have some BO updates, that of which I'm not sure you'll be super unhappy with

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