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Warrior Feedback 28/1/2011

Message #1 le 2011-2-1 @ 0:07:11 par Biz:
New Warrior Changes - Feedback

- Call to Aid only increases heals by 5% down from 15%. Points only increase duration
- Figurehead is now 6% max, down from 15% incoming heals.
- Commanding Presence now only increases duration of Order/Calls by 5/10s, down from 10/20s.
- Imposing is now a 15s buff for increases hate from incoming and outgoing damage with a 1 minute cooldown. Different from a 1h buff.

- Shield of the Hero's hit chance is reduces to 5%, down from 10%.
- New Talent: Unyielding Defense, increases block mitigation 4% per rank up to 20% max 5 points.
- Reverent Protection has had its damage rune increased...slightly...very slightly
- Improved Reverent Protection now increases absorption amount to max 20%, 2 ranks.
- Aggressive Block has had its power consumption reduced by 15 to 20 power and reduced its block chance from 20% to 10%.

***Void Knight***
- New Talent: Blood From a Stone, max 25% chance to gain a pact from hitting a mob that does not have mana.
- New Talent: Quality Care, max 30% chance of gaining a Pact from recieving a heal

- Entropic Embrace, max 20% enhancement to Death damage when you are hit.
- Sinister Intent - Now only increases hate to all Reaver Dots by 15%.
- Planar Attunement - Now only increases dot damage to max 10%, 5 points.
- New Talent: Power From the Masses - Has max 100% chance to reduce damage you take by 1% for each nearby enemy to max 10% for the next 10 seconds, 5 points, from 20%.