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Toughness, Focus, Hit and dongeon

Message #1 le 2011-1-31 @ 23:43:52 par Biz:

Toughness, Focus, Hit and Dungeons
So with this build there are a number of major changes for Dungeons:
•The damage across all dungeon mobs has been increased, this is especially true for Expert 1 and Expert 2 mobs which received a significant boost
•All mobs in level 50 and below dungeons can no longer crit
•All mobs in Expert 1 dungeons, Expert 2 dungeons and Raids can now crit
•Hit, Focus and Toughness are now in use and are an important stat to have

Toughness is a tank stat, it reduces the damage bonus an attack has when it critically strikes. For example when an Expert 1 boss crits they deal an additional 50% damage. Toughness offsets the crit bonus at a 1:1 ratio i.e. 1 Toughness = 1% reduction in the mobs crit bonus. To completely offset the crit bonus of an Expert 1 boss the tank would need 50 toughness.

Focus is a DPS caster stat, it offsets a mobs chance to resist a spell attack and also the amount of damage reduced by the mobs resistances.

Hit is a DPS melee/ranged stat, it offsets a mobs chance to dodge and parry an attack as well as a characters chance inherit chance to miss.

Most existing gear has been updated to include the new Hit, Focus and Toughness stats. Additionally there are new items available on the dungeon currency merchants. These new stats are very important to progression so while you don´t need to be at or above the goal being very close to it will help you considerably when attempting post 50 content. Please compare your gear and stats to the goals below to ensure you have the right layout for the given content tier.

Below are the various Hit, Focus and Toughness rating goals for various content tiers.
Level 50 and below dungeons – No hit, focus or toughness required
Expert 1 Dungeons (Realm of the Fae, Iron Tomb, Foul Cascade, King´s Breach, Fall of Lantern Hook) – No Hit, no Focus, 50 Toughness
Expert 2 Dungeons (Darkening Deeps, Deepstike Mines, Runic Decent, Abyssal Precipice, Chamer´s Caldera) – 100 Hit, 100 Focus, 100 Toughness
10 Man Rift Raids – 100 Hit, 100 Focus, 100 Toughness
20 Man Instance Raids – 200 Hit, 200 Focus, 150 Toughness

Originally Posted by Githil
This is what I would like clarification on. Do all mobs in the Expert Dungeons critical or just bosses. If all mobs critical then do bosses deal an additional 50% above what they normally would have critically hit. I ask, because I took it to mean when a boss critically hits it takes it's regular damage it would have hit for that round and then adds an additional 50% to that number. Or does it mean that when a boss critically hits it has a separate critical multiplier and then also gets the 50% bonus.

Rift Team

Pretty much, if I ran a T1 Expert and had a toughness of 72, should I be getting critically hit at all, or is it just to be a normal critical hit with out a 50% bonus tied to it.
All mobs in a given tier of content use the same Hit, Focus and Toughness goals. In T1 that means that 50 Toughness is all you need to mitigate all critical damage including that from bosses. You will still be crit, the damage dealt will just be the same as a normal hit.
For Example (numbers picked at random):
Tier 1 Boss hits for 1800 – 2400 damage.
A Tank with 0 Toughness would be crit for 3600 damage i.e. a maximum normal hit with a 50% bonus.
A Tank with 25 Toughness would be crit for 3000 damage i.e. a maximum normal hit with a 25% bonus.
A Tank with 50 Toughness would be crit for 2400 damage i.e. a maximum normal hit with a 0% bonus.
A Tank with 72 Toughness would be crit for 2400 damage, more than the goal of 50 Toughness will not help against Tier 1 Bosses.