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HK : Grugonim

Message #1 le 2011-9-26 @ 3:55:44 par Eloctinar:

Pretty much. The guide hits on all the major points. The biggest thing about Grugonim is that some mechanics cannot be called out in Vent. Every single person has to watch his cast bar after the breath to see if it's corrosive bile (where you wait for the end of the cast) or rampant decay (where you must move IMMEDIATELY or you die). It will take a lot of personal responsibility and awareness.

Make sure your archon throws up power drain before each knockback, and if people still die due to stupid stuff like adds+knockback, you can have everyone run 30m+ away after each idol phase where health is reduced.

What's the challenge on Gruginom?

Everything I've seen/read seems pretty straightforward.. few mechanics other then a dance with raid awareness sub 50% (depending on which breath) and moving together as a group.

Is there something I'm missing that I need to be aware of or suggestions that aren't covered by riftstrats?

Its very unforgivable if someone moves late/early in addition to the slow that people get from adds. So you need 20ppl moving at the same time, which is tough sometimes with lag and reaction times. If you normally wait to be told to move/react/do-something, then you will die
Sicaron is more on the "individual" being able to handle contracts, purges, and whatnot..... whereas Grug is more on the "raid" working as a single unit at times in both reaction and movement. This can be very tough for guilds, especially with the added possibility of lag, mouse bugs, and the like.
The raid awareness/reaction time you need is pretty hefty, and the skill can't be called out on vent. Every single raider needs to be watching Grug's cast bar for rampant decay/corrosive bile. If someone moves too soon on bile , they'll spawn the poison on other people and wipe you. If someone's reaction speed is too slow for rampant decay (later in the fight when it could be either skill) they will die.

Message #2 le 2011-9-27 @ 13:01:41 par Kare:
pi btw, a regarder; Tous les vid du gars:p surtout le Inwar Darktide, super long mais super bon:P