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RoS Trash

Message #1 le 2011-5-3 @ 4:31:45 par Eloctinar:
Mon nouveau motto: Don't stand in cleaves. Get out of my way!, I Pull trash far back.

start using incapacitate and lost hope to stop pathers from pathing

1 mage can aoe mez them all, then poly one when the mez breaks and fear the other one indefinitely. On a 3 npc pull, 1 mage can take care of everything.... and 1 tank can tank 2-3 mobs easily on those 4-5man pulls. We cleared all the trash with 10 people trying to get weapon drops and it was annoying on SOME pulls, but most of it was rediculously easy with 1 mage CC.

We are by no means a top guild (only 2 bosses down in RoS). However, minus the packs with the 400k+ mobs and the 2 200k+ mobs or so. Every trash pack can be AOE'd down pretty quickly. (even then we do it every now and then but tank damage is kind of spikey for those mobs)

Taking time to mark, pull, sap, blah blah really takes a lot of time and made our first two weeks in there...painfullly long.
