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Temp banned

Message #1 le 2013-9-12 @ 10:33:11 par Raskelot:
LOL, j'ai pas jouer depuis 1 semaine certain et je viens de recevoir ca.
Quote: Dear Customer:
This notice is to inform you that we have suspended the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account registered to this e-mail for one or more violations of the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement that occurred on 9/12/2013. Specifically, you have violated following Section(s) of the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement.

1. Registered Users
Use of the Website or Services is limited to those satisfying the following conditions:
(b)You represent and warrant that you will not use the Website or Services in any manner that is in violation of this Agreement or of any applicable law or regulation;

2.2 Real Money Trading, Farming and Power-Leveling. You may not sell,purchase or exchange for real-world money or value any in-game currency,accounts, characters, in-game services, or in-game virtual items. Youmay not play the Game for the purpose of acquiring virtual items or advancement in game play on behalf of a third-party or for the purpose of selling any virtual assets to a third party for real-world money, specifically including $B!H(Bgold-farming$B!I(Band power-leveling services.
Every action we issue is based on conclusive evidence of a violation and is reviewed for accuracy. Here is an excerpt from the activity log regarding this termination:

Based on the actions in this most recent incident and any prior record on the service account, we have terminated the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account registered to this e-mail in accordance with the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement. To best understand the penalties taken against the service account, please review the Account Penalty Policy section on the Support Center at the following link:

For information on prohibited activities in FINAL FANTASY XIV, please refer to the Square Enix Account Terms of Use, the FINAL FANTASY XIV User Agreement, and the following URL:

As your account has been terminated due to a violation, you will be unable to create another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account.
Unfortunately, you have shown yourself to be unwilling to follow the rules of the FINAL FANTASY XIV community. If we find that you have created another FINAL FANTASY XIV service account, we reserve the right to terminate that account as well in our sole discretion.

NOTE: If you suspect the violation resulted from unauthorized access to the FINAL FANTASY XIV service account or the actions of an unauthorized third party who is not your parent or legal guardian, or if there are other points you wish to clarify, please contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center.

This message has been sent to you for notification purposes only, and we are unable to address further inquires via replies to this email. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, we ask that you visit the SQUARE ENIX Support Center at [] to contact us directly.

- SQUARE ENIX Account Administrator

Je pense que je peut oubliger FF14 pour un boute, pas capable de me loger, quand je me connectais je me fesais kick par le serveur et fallais que j'attendre encore une autre heure pis le temp ban c'est la gout qui fait, fuck you Square Enix pas besoin de jouer a ton jeu!

Désoler, j'aurais voulu jouer plus, mais j'encourage vraiment pas Square Enix avec un launch de marde qui viennent de faire. Fait du bien de ce vider le coeur :P
Message #2 le 2013-9-12 @ 10:49:35 par Hertuu:
Tu t'es fais piquer ton account dans le fond pi des chiness on farmer dessus ou ben ta acheter du gil??
Message #3 le 2013-9-12 @ 10:49:45 par Drilgen:
Message #4 le 2013-9-12 @ 11:09:14 par Xarek:
Ouin t'as soit acheté du gold ou un service de Power-levelling. Sinon demande a voir les preuves.
Message #5 le 2013-9-12 @ 11:13:13 par Raskelot:
J'ai rien fait pentoute lol, j'me suis logger une fois chez mon ami qui habite a 5 min a pied de chez nous, p-t qui pense qui me power-levelais.
Boff la motivation est pas full la pour demander les preuves, y vont en créer anyway.

Edit: non j'ai toujours accès à mon compte, je me suis pas fait voler.
Message #6 le 2013-9-12 @ 12:17:38 par Drilgen:
bon bon tu voulais pas joué avec nous cest sa :P sinon taurais chialer saloppe ou ben ta payer un powerlvl :P
Message #7 le 2013-9-12 @ 12:25:57 par TortureX:
Créer des preuves, nice joke, yont pas juste ca a faire lol
Message #8 le 2013-9-12 @ 16:36:38 par Statick:
Je me suis fait banned aussi, j'ai aparament un personnage sur un autre serveur qui a fait des choses croches..
Message #9 le 2013-9-13 @ 9:25:49 par Nothing:
C'est parce que je vous ai reported.

Reported Statick for real life threat
Reported Raskalot for aimbot
Message #10 le 2013-9-13 @ 10:19:20 par drbeefz:
Ils ban les casuals pour faire de la place aux hArDcOrEs !
Message #11 le 2013-9-17 @ 10:13:46 par Hecth:
Prenez le one time password et jamais vs aurez se probleme!

sa te donne un pass via ton cell chak fois avant tu te log!
Message #12 le 2013-9-17 @ 12:00:25 par Hertuu:
C de là top