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Armata Gaming Division in wVw.

Message #1 le 2014-2-10 @ 18:21:26 par Sublime Goes Doggy:
Hi everyone,
so today we decided to jump in wVw on Edge of the Mist with the guild.
We play couple of hours and had some good fights, in most of them we were outman.
If you have any question on the followin videos please feel free to ask.

Here are the links:
Armata Gaming Division|wVw| Engineer Gameplay.

Armata Gaming| wVw | Dps Guardian Gameplay.

Armata Gaming|wVw| Support Guardian Gameplay.

Dont forget to like, follow and share and hope you enjoy watching.
Message #2 le 2014-2-10 @ 19:54:41 par Halterhozanca:
Hehe good job ... on en veux d'autre !!!
Kill kill :P
Message #3 le 2014-2-10 @ 20:22:37 par Engeance:
belle video surtout l'ingé haha :P