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Post Original du Drama Bomb de Guru

Message #1 le 2012-8-19 @ 19:32:12 par Eloctinar:
The Titan Alliance has never been about drama and has always been about ethics. When members of our alliance made mistakes, we apologized ( and have removed the members that have caused conflict. We take pride in being a part of the Guild Wars 2 community and in maintaining the ethical high-ground whenever we can. As such, note that we attempted to resolve this situation away from the forums and the community, but have reached an impasse.
No claim is made without evidence and we accept full responsibility for the content by posting all of this under our name and the co-authorship of the guilds of the Titan Alliance.

Fact #1: The Ascension Alliance is Crumbling
Over the course of the last week, multiple guilds have left the Ascension Alliance – while we do not know the circumstances and reasons of why each of them have left, we do know that several of them had serious concerns about the tactics being employed by Ascension. Immediately after leaving the Ascension Alliance, several of these guilds have come to us because A) they didn´t want to be associated with the Ascension Alliance and Freelancer if this information ever came out publically and B ) they were appalled by what was going on and wanted to make us aware.

Fact #2: Despite their pleas for a respectful community, Freelancer, Team Legacy, and the Ascension Alliance has had multiple spies in our Alliance and refuses to remove them.
Since the above guilds have left the Ascension Alliance, several have come forward to us to let us know the reason of why they did so: they did not approve of the behind-the-back, under-the-belt tactics that were being used. Like us, these guilds believe that fights should happen on the battlefield – that Guild Wars 2 and World vs. World should be a contest of skill and in-game strategy.
Several of the guilds who left provided us with screenshots, which we are providing for the community here ( and In the screenshots you will clearly see Freelancer (Guildmaster of Team Legacy) and Scarab (Chapter Lead of Guild Wars 2 for Lords of the Dead) admitting to having spies within the guilds of the Titan Alliance.

We believe that spying on other guilds and alliances is below-the-belt and unethical and it´s why the guilds of the Titan Alliance do not do it. Ever. Period. If we found a member spying we would immediately remove them from the guild, and any guild-sanctioned spying would immediately find their exit from the Alliance as a whole.
What we find particularly troubling, however, is that Freelancer – who clearly admits that he and his guild have spies within our Alliance – is the same individual who has called on these very forums (screenshot: for civility and respect in the community. It is two-faced.

Fact #3: We have twice attempted to avoid publically posting this information through conversations with Freelancer.
Freelancer has come into our teamspeak twice this week – once of his own volition and once at our request. Both conversations occurred after guilds had left his Alliance and provided us with screenshots, though Freelancer was not initially aware that we were in possession of this information.

In the second conversation, which occurred this evening, we were direct – we told him he needed to remove the spies he and his guild and alliance had and provide evidence that he had done so, or we would go public with the information and let the community be the judge. He again denied that he had spies within our Alliance, saying that he simply had “friends” in the Alliance.
Suffice to say that we are not an Alliance that is bent on raising drama or disparaging other guilds or Alliances – we have pursued multiple avenues to attempt to resolve this situation as a private matter, but given Freelancer´s refusal, we are now bringing this forward.

In Conclusion:
We aren´t interested in any public drama over this, but believe that the community should be aware of the tactics being employed by the guilds of the Ascension Alliance and held responsible for what is going on behind closed doors.
We ask that Freelancer, Scarab, and the guilds of the Ascension Alliance immediately remove all of their spies from Titan Alliance and provide us with evidence that they have done so.
We´ll look forward to seeing them on the battlefield, as a fair fight.
Message #2 le 2012-8-19 @ 22:07:21 par Scriibe:
thanks...... ca explique le pourquoi que Drow ont switch, cool.
Message #3 le 2012-8-19 @ 22:22:17 par Hertuu:
Cétait rendu assé fou les replys sur ce post la..dommage que t'ai pas garder tout, yavais de la paranoia genre "Alliance spliter sur 2 servers pour pouvor dominer", spy serial killer, etc.