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Infoman [Mystic Forge PvP] Knowledge Base for Weapons

Message #1 le 2012-8-13 @ 4:13:32 par Eloctinar:
Some of the Recipes might be not correct yet cause of the missing trials. I was doing as much as i could to test each of them. If u find anything whats wrong in there, just let me know and i´ll fix it.
This is only to help players finding the Recipes for the Weaponskins they like and maybe help finding bugs.
Do not post Armor here. We created an extra thread: Mystic Forge PvP – Armor
Last UPDATE 10/08/2012
Arcane Orb + Rabbit Token = Makeshift
Arcane Crystal + Rabbit Token = Peacemaker
Arcane Orb + Deer Token = Weaponname(Staff, PistolÂ…)
Arcane Crystal + Deer Token = Krait
Arcane Sliver + Deer Token = Frozen, Svanir
Arcane Orb + Dolyak Token = Valley, Forest
Arcane Crystal + Dolyak Token = Flame
Arcane Sliver + Dolyak Token = Alpine
Arcane Orb + Wolf Token = Sylvari
Arcane crystal + Wolf token = Norn, Glyphic
Arcane Sliver + Wolf Token = Legionnaire
Arcane Orb + TigerToken = ?
Arcane Crystal +TigerToken = ?
Arcane Sliver + Tiger Token = Arcing
Arcane Orb + Tournament Token = Priory(Greatsword)
Arcane Crystal +Tournament Token = Krait(Greatsword)
Arcane Sliver + Tournament Token = Frost, Winged(Greatsword)
Best Regards,
(edited about a day ago by Mirko Daumann.3094)
29 days ago
Quote Report Permalink
Christian Leroy.8513
Some of the next tier:
Arcane Sliver + Wolf Token = Legionnaire
Arcane Orb + Wolf Token = Sylvari
Arcane crystal + wolf token = Asura ( they change the name but it´s the gear with the asura theme )