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Meeting post BW3

Message #1 le 2012-7-23 @ 1:02:53 par Halterhozanca:
Donner vos dispo ... (21h30)

Retour sur le weekend en général.
Retour sur l'open PvP.
Faites vous une liste des personnes a promouvoir recrue et/ou membre.
Informations sur l'alliance si on en a rendu la.
Message #2 le 2012-7-23 @ 1:16:41 par Modak:
Si on fait le meeting trop tôt dans la semaine, on risque de ne pas avoir eu des nouvelles de l'alliance...
Message #3 le 2012-7-23 @ 1:33:56 par Eloctinar:
note a moi meme

langoustine ok
sacramento ok
Kharon ok
marabout ok
zurn ok
razlebol ok
stogal ok

On devrait aussi se monter un post en anglais pour remercier les guilds de l'ally pour nous avoir inviter pis toute
Message #4 le 2012-7-23 @ 15:48:00 par Wakky:
Eloctinar wrote:
On devrait aussi se monter un post en anglais pour remercier les guilds de l'ally pour nous avoir inviter pis toute

Bien d'accord!!!
Message #5 le 2012-7-23 @ 21:39:50 par Hertuu:
Stogal ok..
c'est pas mal le seul avec qui j'ai pu joué..

J'ai vraiment été déçu du WvWvW... après avoir passé des heures a cliquer sur le portal et en attente ça jamais poper...

Jeudi, vendredi ou dimanche je devrais être la a 9hrs 30.
Jeudi passée j'ai su le mercredi que j'avais une petite formation avec la secrétaire a 8hrs PM.. et on a fini a 10hrs..punaise.
Message #6 le 2012-7-24 @ 1:57:49 par Halterhozanca:
On va faire ca dimanche. On va avoir le temps de savoir qu'est-ce qui arrive avec l'alliance.
Message #7 le 2012-7-24 @ 4:43:04 par Eloctinar:
That Titan Alliance did very well, I think they proved that they are the dominant force in WvW right now. Look at the servers they were pitted up against on the Saturday round: Fort Aspenwood and Crystal Desert. TA and the GoM server got second (I would attribute this to the broken queue , I will explain more here) while Crystal Desert was in third. FA won that round. Look at Sunday. TA and the GoM server was against Fort Aspenwood and Darkhaven and beat them all hands down throughout the day. Reports are they beat the second place server by 52k. People need to be ready for the Titan Alliance and groups like them, they are very well organized.
Message #8 le 2012-7-24 @ 10:21:11 par Modak:
Eloctinar wrote: That Titan Alliance did very well, I think they proved that they are the dominant force in WvW right now. Look at the servers they were pitted up against on the Saturday round: Fort Aspenwood and Crystal Desert. TA and the GoM server got second (I would attribute this to the broken queue , I will explain more here) while Crystal Desert was in third. FA won that round. Look at Sunday. TA and the GoM server was against Fort Aspenwood and Darkhaven and beat them all hands down throughout the day. Reports are they beat the second place server by 52k. People need to be ready for the Titan Alliance and groups like them, they are very well organized.

T'as pogné ça où Eloc? C'est very nice!!
Message #9 le 2012-7-24 @ 11:48:06 par Piedplat:
Je travailles cette journée, alors j'attendrai le conte rendu. :)
Message #10 le 2012-7-24 @ 16:46:19 par Demonro:
Eloctinar wrote: That Titan Alliance did very well, I think they proved that they are the dominant force in WvW right now. Look at the servers they were pitted up against on the Saturday round: Fort Aspenwood and Crystal Desert. TA and the GoM server got second (I would attribute this to the broken queue , I will explain more here) while Crystal Desert was in third. FA won that round. Look at Sunday. TA and the GoM server was against Fort Aspenwood and Darkhaven and beat them all hands down throughout the day. Reports are they beat the second place server by 52k. People need to be ready for the Titan Alliance and groups like them, they are very well organized.

Content de voir que vous continuer a torcher lacher pas les boyz ! :)